It must be amazing to have a body that can carry an entire creature.

So here's ten (15) tips you should you note if planning to get or even carrying a pregnancy;

  1. Register for antenatal early
  2. Think less
  3. Drink more water
  4. Adequate sex and exercise 
  5. Take a scan (to see how your baby is growing) often
  6. Dont lie (sleep) on your stomach 
  7. Wear breathable clothings
  8. Avoid thin heels
  9. Don't walk under heavy sun
  10. Stay in airy (well ventilated environment)
  11. Eat healthy (balanced diet)
  12. Reduce your stress
  13. Relax and sleep more
  14. Avoid bending when heavy to pick stuffs(squat instead)
  15. Avoid carrying heavy load(s).

Every pregnancy carried to term is always full of joy and excitement. 
Feel free to contact your Doctor each and every time you feel funny.
Attend your antenatal classes and take note - it might come in handy when your doctor is away.
