I affirm that the Lord has anointed me with the Holy Spirit, and with power to be an effective minister of reconciliation, spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with passion, fervour, and dedication.
I am completely yielded to the Holy Spirit who is my extraordinary strategist and Senior Partner in soul-winning.
Together we make an unbeatable team, bringing salvation to people everywhere. Hallelujah.
I am an agent of change in my world; the Father has granted me the wisdom and grace to make great things happen for others.
The anointing of the Holy Ghost is on me and my mind is blessed to bring in new ideas and innovations that will transform the lives of millions around the world positively.
I have an inherent ability to be effective and efficient in all that I do, producing lasting and extraordinary results! I am equipped and ordained for a fruitful and productive life.
I am effective in my job, business, ministry, and in every area of my life. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
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