I affirm that The Father has lavished His grace on me, with all Sophia and Phronesis.

I am born again; I have the life and nature of God on the inside of me.

I am a problem solver; a solution bringer. Everywhere I go, I am an answer from God! My experience in life is different from that of the masses because I function with the wisdom of God.

My faculties are all submitted to the wisdom of God.

Wisdom is using my mind; wisdom is using my brain; wisdom is using me, walking and functioning through me.

The Wisdom of God has made His home in me; therefore, I've become a wonder to my world.

In the face of challenges, the Spirit of God has made me wise.

I've got wisdom in all circumstances; wisdom to face any challenge or crisis and win. Hallelujah.

My way is paved of the Lord, and the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage.

I know what to do at all times because the wisdom of God is at work in, and through me. Glory to God. Hallelujah!
