At this point I started having mixed feelings about Freddie's attitude (why was he even shocked, does he even have any atom of feelings for me, doesn't he know that I'm a lady and our time can be a bit limited than men in terms of find a spouse, bearing kids and more), all these questions flooded my mind as I starred at him.
Someone really needed to talk to me.

Freddie, Barbie and I finally met again as usual... but I didn't say anything about what had transpired the last time between I and Freddie.

Fast forwarding again to four months later, my mom gave me the shocker of my life (maybe)... as she told me not to hang that particular weekend as the MATIA's were coming over to have lunch with our family.

Omg!!! I screamed at my mother, seeking to know who invited them in the very first place.
She was a bit shocked at my attitude and questioned my hospitality and accommodating virtues... oops! I snapped back to life as it seemed like I had lost my mind when I yelled at my mom while asking that question ealier.

Never mind what happened next, as the weekend showed up so fast.
Low and behold the MATIAs were already in the dinning chatting away old times with my parents as I walked in to greet them, I realised their son Victor came along too, I nearly lost my mind as I mumbled to myself "Oh God why is my past coming to hunt me now" I guess you now understand why I asked my mother that question the other day when she broke this news.

I managed to compose my startled self and the women (my mom and Mrs Matia) tried to force Victor and I speek to eachother and how much we would look perfect as a couple.

Hmmm! I sighed because at this point I realized these women had worked hard in trying to matchmake their single unmarried children.My daddy and Mr Matia just kept smiling as they didn't utter any word to the women or to us.

Two weeks later Victor came to my office and started showing off himself  like he always does, I was too surprised to see him as he kept looking around like he dropped something somewhere.

We finally got talking but I wanted to know who in the world gave him my office address.

After so much questions he said "it's your mom"... Oh mama Nana, how could you have done this to me? I pondered in my heart.

This thought ran through my head until he touched my hand trying to lift it towards his lips and plant a kiss on it.

I managed to drag my had down and told him to leave as I didn't have time for his gimmicks this time (after all, I'm grown and wiser now).

He then left my office not without him insisting on me giving him a chance to prove himself to me and correct all the wrongs he did in the past.

Two months later, I thought I had finally gotten to my last bus stop (hahaha) as Victor and I had fallen deeply in love again and were even vacationing in South Africa, my mom and his couldn't be happier.

We later came back to our home country and three months later the worst happened again as I caught Victor cheating ag but the most annoying part of it all, was that, he said "it was just a one time moment, I don't love her, it's you I love".

I broke down in tears as the lady looked away and was almost loosing my damn mind as I ran down the stairs and off to the door. I managed to drive my depressed self as I sped off to Freddie's house, in as much as I knew he would still be at work I knew he would still be at work.

His gateman let me in and I sat at Freddie's veranda, wailing and weeping uncontrollably.

Freddie came home 45mins later and as soon as he drove into his compound, he was shocked to see me in such state.

He almost didn't park his car properly as he jumped off the car and ran towards me, seeking to know what had happened.

I managed to narrate all that had happened and he almost started crying too, in shock I inquired from him why he was that way and he said "how could I have allowed a man do this to a woman he cherished" - at first I didn't understand what he meant but he finally professed his love for me and with a kiss... omg!!! I kinda felt relieved though, but I quickly stopped him and ran off into my car and drove home.

"What is going on I kept asking myself ",
I took some days off work just to regain my sanity and I shot myself from the world and would only speak to my mom and dad through the door.

My two besties didnt hesitate to come to my house almost everyday especially Freddie who checked on me every morning and evening I knew this from my mom who would always come to announce his arrival and departure.

I finally summoned the courage one Saturday morning as Freddie came to pay me his usual visit and my mom called upon me... "yes mom, I'm coming" I answered.

My mom and Freddie were shocked to see me as I now look like a shadow of myself.
Freddie ran towards me and grabbed my hands as we both walked down the stairs.
With so much pity in my mom's face she left the living room.

It was at this time I told Freddie I was sorry for kissing him and then running away like a possessed being. 
