He was also shocked at my utterances and asked that I rephrased it because he was not offended at all, besides he also came to say he was sorry in case I felt harrassed and when I told him I wasn't, he was glad.
He further went on to say, that he loved the kiss and he's willing to have it for the rest of his life, what!... I exclaimed, it was at this point he poured everything out.
"I have always loved and cherished you Nana but I have been scared to let you know, since we have been childhood besties.
He further went on to say, that he loved the kiss and he's willing to have it for the rest of his life, what!... I exclaimed, it was at this point he poured everything out.
"I have always loved and cherished you Nana but I have been scared to let you know, since we have been childhood besties.
It seems like everyone knows this for a fact except you and i didn't want to loose your friendship trying to ask you out or forcing anything emotional.
At this point, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh anymore.
Freddie continued by saying, so are you ready to be my girl, I promise to love and accept you for who you are, I promise to make you my priority, after you then anything else can follow, please Nana, be mine for life"... he concluded.
It was at this point I realised that all I have been looking for in different places, was just right within my reach and I didn't even notice at all, all this while. With a deep kiss from Freddie, I knew love had finally found me... with a loud reply, I said a big yes and started to kiss again.
"Thank you God" said my mom as we immediately stopped kissing and realised my mom had been watching us all these while. And we all had a good laugh together - I guess a she knew Freddie was in love with me too. I later told my mom all that happened between Victor and I and she was really sorry for pulling that matchmaking stunt on me.
Freddie and I had an elaborate engagement ceremony and six months later, I and Freddie finally got married, six weeks after our engagement. Barbie was my bridesmaid
I'm fulfilled and feel very happy and complete with him now.
At this point, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh anymore.
Freddie continued by saying, so are you ready to be my girl, I promise to love and accept you for who you are, I promise to make you my priority, after you then anything else can follow, please Nana, be mine for life"... he concluded.
It was at this point I realised that all I have been looking for in different places, was just right within my reach and I didn't even notice at all, all this while. With a deep kiss from Freddie, I knew love had finally found me... with a loud reply, I said a big yes and started to kiss again.
"Thank you God" said my mom as we immediately stopped kissing and realised my mom had been watching us all these while. And we all had a good laugh together - I guess a she knew Freddie was in love with me too. I later told my mom all that happened between Victor and I and she was really sorry for pulling that matchmaking stunt on me.
Freddie and I had an elaborate engagement ceremony and six months later, I and Freddie finally got married, six weeks after our engagement. Barbie was my bridesmaid
I'm fulfilled and feel very happy and complete with him now.
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